Susan at
75% Hippie tagged me! So I'm gonna cheat a little. Shhhhhh! I'll do my 11 things about me and answer her questions, but tagging another 11 people? I don't think I made it to 11 the last time.
Here we go!
- I'm sitting in bed drinking coffee and writing this post right now.
- Yes, I am wearing pajamas. Perverts!
- I don't have to work today!
- It's not a paid day off :(
- I had one month of a truly awesome work schedule and now it's about to go back to the schedule from hell.
- I'm considering moving to South Dakota instead of Texas. I'll find out Tuesday if there might be a job waiting for me there.
- Yes, I am completely insane. Duh
- My favorite book is Gone With the Wind
- I can now wear a medium from Victoria's Secret. Thank you Jillian Michaels!
- I was not impressed by Vicky's Semi Annual sale. Seriously
- I started Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred two days ago and it is kicking my ass
And now for the questions:
1. Does your sheet thread count matter to you? Nope
2. What is your greatest accomplishment? So far, getting my BA
3. What is your greatest failure? Marrying my ex-husband despite all the red flags I saw
4. Who is your favorite Disney Villian? Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty
5. What game are you most addicted to? Words with Friends. It's the only game I still play
6. Lick the cream out of the oreo or eat it all together? Eat it all together. I'm a rebel.
7. Favorite place to vacation? The beach
8. One thing you do for the environment on a regular basis? Uh, recycle
9. Netflix, Amazon, neither, or both? Neither
10.What made you start blogging? I know it's cheating, but I've answered this I don't know how many times and I'm feeling lazy right now because it's my day off. So, read through older posts. Lol