Thursday, April 27, 2006

And now, back to our regular scheduled program

As I mentioned in the previous post, I had gone back to work for about three weeks. Not only did my back hurt really, really bad, but I was only getting about 2-3 hours of sleep a day. I'd get home around 5:30am and go to sleep and get up whenever the kids woke up in the morning. Usually around 7:30 or 8am. I did that five days a week and on the weekends when my husband was home I would sleep continuously and only wake up to eat. I'm sure that you've figured it out by now, but that's not a good way to live.

I've had problems with depression since my early teens. I've seen several therapists and psychiatrists and have had to go on medication about three or four times. The medication always helps and sometimes I need to be reminded to get myself outside in the sunshine and take a break. I have a rather bad habit of thinking that I have to do everything myself and that usually results in me not taking care of myself like I should. So about two weeks ago I just about fell apart. Not really a nervous breakdown, but something close to that. I didn't just need a break, I needed a serious vacation. Basically working two full-time jobs on no sleep isn't really good for the body or the mind. My husband took a couple of days off and handled the kids completely, asked what needed to be done and did it. My wonderful primary physician wrote me out work for as long as I need it and will sign the disability forms for me. I love that man so much!

Now that I'm getting some regular sleep and I've almost finished getting the house back in order I'm actually feeling the urge to exercise again. Exercise really helps with depression. I feel so much better it's really unbelievable. The house looks great, I feel great, the kids are doing a lot better. My doctor said I need to find a job that I can do from home. That way I hopefully won't let myself get overwhelmed and can still be here for the kids. I truly enjoy being a SAHM, it puts peace and contentment in my heart. I may go back to school, but I doubt I'll be doing the real estate appraisal thing. But for now, I'm just getting back to being my happy self and trying to live my life the way I should be.

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