Thursday, December 21, 2006

Oh the shame!

Imagine my horror when wrapping presents yesterday I discovered that my son has 5 more presents than my daughter. That means I get to go shopping again! Just four days from the big day and I'm going shopping. At the mall. Pray for me. If you don't hear from me again I was most likely run over by an old lady driving a land yacht. When I asked Katie if there was anything else she wanted for christmas she replied that she wants all the presents. Nothing in particular, just everything. That's all. Mikel's most wanted? An AK-47 airsoft gun. Now if you're not familiar with airsoft guns, they're like bb guns except they shoot plastic pellets instead of metal ones. Instead of a Red Rider bb gun with a compass in the stock, kids these days prefer automatic weaponry. None of that pesky having to squeeze the trigger over and over again. Yes, he is getting the gun for christmas. But before your feathers begin to ruffle, I was completely against it. I said so more than once. His father cares not. For christmas I want a divorce.

I'm kidding. Probably just an extremely long vacation. Dh is going to Vegas for the CES show for a week in a half in January. So christmas comes a little late for me. I'm a big girl. I can live with that.

Mikel's christmas program was this morning. He actually stood up there and sang! He didn't do any of the hand motions though. That's just not cool. I swear he's a 15 year old in a 6 year old's body. It was very cute. The teacher sent home the letter yesterday that they needed cookies and juice for snack afterwards. Shouldn't she have sent that home on Monday instead of Wednesday? Give people some time to prepare woman! Oh, and you'll love this. The school district doesn't allow any goodies that are made at home. Only store bought items and they must be sealed when they're handed over. I understand that it's for the children's safety not to mention health for children that have allergies. But what ever happened to home baked cookies and cupcakes? That seems wrong somehow.


Anonymous said...

Our district hasn't taken it quite that far yet, but they have put in all kinds of restrictions on the fat and sugar content of snacks that are brought into the schools. As if that's going to help...for the kids that really have a problem, they'll skip the healthy cheese and crackers and wait for the Double Stuf Oreos waiting at home.

labsnabys said...

Our district hasn't taken it quite that far yet, but they have put in all kinds of restrictions on the fat and sugar content of snacks that are brought into the schools. As if that's going to help...for the kids that really have a problem, they'll skip the healthy cheese and crackers and wait for the Double Stuf Oreos waiting at home.


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