Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tough Shit Tuesday

I thought the party on Saturday was gonna be a big one . . . . . . tough shit, it was just my family. Lol

I wanted the weather to finally cool down . . . . . . tough shit, apparently summer lasts until December in California.

I wanted my parents to go out of town last weekend . . . . . tough shit, they decided to stay! Oh joy.

I want to move to Texas right now instead of waiting until April . . . . .tough shit, I have to wait for my tax refund.

I wanted to go to the EOC training next week . . . . . tough shit, I can't miss 4 days of work. 

I really need a vacation, I'm exhausted . . . . . tough shit, no paid vacation = no vacation

Go visit Good Mom, Bad Mouth and share the shitty things about your Tuesday

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