Wednesday, December 12, 2007

That's what I get for thinkin'

While I'm looking forward to the kids have their vacation, I'm dreading it too. They're already fighting non-stop this afternoon. I can tell that we're going to be spending a lot of time at the park. I need to find some indoor activities for them to do and not drive me completely insane. Katie's teacher sent home a huge pile of homework for her to do over the break. Katie didn't seem bothered by it, so hopefully it won't be a fight to the finish. Mikel's teacher hasn't sent anything home yet, so I'm wondering if I should ask. I don't want him to forget some of the things he just learned. I also don't want them to be bored the whole time. I think we'll be making lots of library runs as well. My parents have a membership to the local zoo, so we can go there a few times. It's a pretty small zoo and you can only look at the elephants so many times. Mikel's getting to be too cool for the zoo. What I'm looking forward to the most is not having to get up at 5:30am for three whole weeks!!!! I can sleep in. Until 7am!!! No driving to school in a cold ass car! No muttering complaints about the other drivers so no one sees me complaining and knows who I am. It's really hard to want to give someone a dirty look, but you can't because their kid might be in your kids class.

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