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I'm tired and I should be doing my homework, but I don't feel like doing anything. So you get the top 13 songs played on my iPod.
- I Will Not Bow by Breaking Benjamin
- Let Me Go by 3 Doors Down
- Until the End by Breaking Benjamin
- Train by 3 Doors Down
- Moose & Zee Winter Wonderland (lol, the kids love this song. It's for work I swear. Damn you Nickleodeon!)
- Single Ladies by Beyonce ( don't judge, it's fun around the third mile uphill)
- Coming Undone by Korn
- Butterfly by Crazy Town
- Strength of a Woman by Shaggy (I'm going to blame this on my aunt. Okay it's an awesome song. I am woman hear me ROAR! Lol)
- Save Me, San Francisco by Train
- Shoot to Thrill by AC/DC
- Little Bird by Annie Lennox
- Maintain the Pain by Miranda Lambert
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I havent heard of some of these, Ill have to do some research. Hope you get some rest. Happy T13!
great ipod list
Cool. I'm always looking for something new to listen to. Thanks.
We have very different taste in music. Hope you get some rest. Happy T13!
I enjoy Shoot to Thrill on my iPod as well.
Have a great Thursday!
Your list makes me want to dance!
Your list makes me want to dance!
We have very different taste in music. Hope you get some rest. Happy T13!
I havent heard of some of these, Ill have to do some research. Hope you get some rest. Happy T13!
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