Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Thank You Wellbutrin

I just realized this evening that I made it through a visit from Aunt Flo without thinking about killing myself, crying several times a day, and wanting to hit my husband over the head with my cast iron skillet. This means a lot. Even the months when Aunt Flo didn't visit, I had those problems. It's like the worst form of PMS you can imagine. I finally feel like a normal functioning human being. This could take some getting used to. It's been so long that I had almsot forgotten who I was. Now I can look at myself in the mirror and smile. Even though I'm still unhappy with my weight, it doesn't send me into the depths of despair like it used to. Praise the lord and pass the medication!

The week without my husband in going surprisingly well. I discovered that making my son sit in the corner actually works as punishment. I don't make him face the corner, well only if he does something really bad. It's not that I'm against spanking, but why do it if you don't have to? He seems to be able to tolerate it and I set the timer for 6 minutes and he knows when it goes off that he can get up. I think the kids are still a little unsettled from all the upheaval of dh going out of town to visit his father and Mikel being out of school. Dh was only home for about five days before he had to go out of town on business. Mikel understands what's going on, but Katie is having a little trouble with the concept.

I'm not quite sure what happened with the babysitting. I watched the little doll once after I came back from visiting my parents and fil and I spoke with his mommy once and I haven't heard from her since. When I called to see if she needed me to babysit, she said no and then asked if that was the only reason I was calling. I'm really puzzled by what she meant by that? I miss the little guy. He was such a little sweetheart. I've left multiple messages for her and even sent her a text message. I'm just really confused about that and would like to know if I did something wrong or offended her somehow.


PeppyPilotGirl said...

Could it just be that she hasn't needed a sitter, maybe?

peppypilotgirl said...

Could it just be that she hasn't needed a sitter, maybe?


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