Saturday, March 04, 2006

So far so good

Today was a good day. I think I did pretty well. Had Special K waffles for breakfast. They taste different from regular waffles. It will take some getting used to, but they're better for me than regular waffles. I took the kids to McDonald's and managed to just have a diet soda. Don't worry I ate before I went. All the better to keep my face out of the french fries. The food smelled really good though. It was a nice time. The sun was shining and the kids had fun playing on the playground.

After being there for two hours we came home and took a nice walk. I prefer to walk outside instead of on my treadmill. It's just so much nicer being out in the fresh air. My daughter got another chance to ride her new big girl bike. It just cracks me up that she stops and walks it over every crack in the road. Cracks that she used to ride her other bike over no problem. It must take some getting used to.

Tomorrow is my husband's day off so hopefully I'll get some time to myself and maybe be able to take a good long walk with just my music to keep me company.

Workout - weights (shoulders) and back strengthing excercises and stretches

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are GOOD. I have no self control when it comes to the delicious smells of McDonalds. My real weakness there is their ice cream cones. I think they only have 150 cals so I don't feel *that* bad about it... but I'm sure it's not the best for me.


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