Friday, January 21, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. My favorite quote is "I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do." Helen Keller

2. A bad habit I have is interrupting people when they're talking.  Whenever I do it, I realize it about a second after I've interrupted someone and I want to smack myself in the mouth.

3. The first time I felt like a "grown up" was when  . . . . I still don't feel like a "grown up".  I don't wanna grow up. Not being a grown up is what makes me a good teacher, I love to play just as much as the kids do.

4. Weekends are for sleeping in and staying in my pajamas all day while I do my homework.

5. When I was a child I wished my name was  . . . . . I always liked my name.  I never even thought about changing it.

6. I wish I was done with school so I could start working full-time again and get out of my parents house.  I'm too old for this crap.

7. A secret I have is that I love to color.  I have a drawer full of crayons, color pencils, and two different types of markers. (See? Still not a "grown up")


Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

LOL I love your answer to question 2. I do the same thing. I can't stand it when I do it and then they just look at me. I just can't help myself sometimes.

Rachel said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one. Lol

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

LOL I love your answer to question 2. I do the same thing. I can't stand it when I do it and then they just look at me. I just can't help myself sometimes.


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