An experience you're not proud of, but has made you the person you are today.
This one is easy. Getting married to my now ex-husband. Hell, even dating that asshat is embarassing. Long story short and it is a really fucking long story, almost 13 years of misery long; he lied, he cheated, he treated me like shit. It took me a long time to dig myself out of my pit of despair and tell him to kick rocks. I don't like the fact that I stayed in that poor excuse for a relationship for so long, but I can honestly say that I'm a much stronger person for it. I learned my lesson and certainly won't make the same mistake again. I made much better choices this time around and being with such a colossal douche for so long has made me really appreciate my boyfriend now. I lost a little over 80 pounds, or as my mom likes to say about 220 pounds, the fat and the dead weight that was my ex, put myself through school and am getting my life back on track. That being said, I think sometimes we have to go through hell to get to where we're supposed to be. Not that everything happens for a reason, but sometimes you have to be slapped in the face with your own bad decisions to realize you're being a total shit head and you need to pull your head out of your ass, but on your big girl chonies and deal with that shit.
I completely agree!
I am so glad you got away from him! The great thing about it now is that you can help others who have gone through the same thing.
I think whenever we go through hard times; it helps us appreciate life so much more!
I agree. We have to go thru something in order to realize how much we really can handle and for our eyes to open wide.
It takes a strong bitch to walk away. I've done it :) and I agree best thing to ever happen. You're amazing whore bag!
It takes a strong bitch to walk away. I've done it :) and I agree best thing to ever happen. You're amazing whore bag!
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