Friday, July 08, 2011

Fill In The Blank Friday

1.   My plans this summer include       work, more work, going to fires, swimming, and more work. Exciting huh?

2.  The best summer I ever had was    last summer was pretty good. Lots of concerts and I actually had money!

3.  Summer is     ice cream, flip flops, sun dresses, days at the lake, concerts in the park, and cold beer on the patio with my love.

4.  My favorite summer food is   strawberries. I LOVE strawberries.

5.  The best way to quench a summer thirst is with    ice cold beer. I should say ice cold, good beer.  None of that cheap stuff.

6.  My summer uniform consists of       shorts and t-shirts. Not to be confused of my winter uniform of jeans and t-shirts.

7.  The best thing about summer is       swimming.  Unless you have a heated pool, but that kinda defeats the purpose.


Lin said...

Ugh, work sucks doesnt it? Why cant they give us a paid summer vacation...that would be heaven!

Strawberries are totally my favorite thing to eat in the summer. Especially when they're teamed up with ice cream and some whipped cream ;)

Trish said...

oh! i forgot to include ice cold beer on my list! my mouth is watering for one now after reading your post! sounds like you have a whole lotta work planned for the summer - I hope you find some time to enjoy all the things you listed!

Mrs. Pickle said...

I love strawberry shortcake. Because you have such a strong love for strawberries, I assume you are a fan also?

Lin said...

Ugh, work sucks doesnt it? Why cant they give us a paid summer vacation...that would be heaven!

Strawberries are totally my favorite thing to eat in the summer. Especially when they're teamed up with ice cream and some whipped cream ;)


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