Q: What cuss word do you use the most?
All of them. I am an equal opportunity cusser. Lol, is that even a word? Seriously, I have a major potty mouth. I manage to behave myself at work and in public mostly, but at home I'll blister your ears. That being said, fuck is probably the heaviest in the rotation.
Q: Do you wish you could change something about your life?
Right now, yes. I'd be done with school, have a full-time job, and a house with Jason. I guess that sorta counts as three things, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
yes bitch I'm got my jollys off on your post! lol
Thanks for linking up. Hope you finish school soon.
I can appreciate that you use all the swear words equally. No sense in just highlighting a few.
I know I cuss like a sailor. Not something for me to be proud of, but there it is.
Thanks for linking up. Hope you finish school soon.
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