Three more weeks, then I'm done!
With school that is! I so can't wait to get my Thursday nights back and I'm sure my kids can't wait until mom doesn't always have homework. I'm really looking forward to the break from school.
Put that in your juice box and suck it!
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3 weeks - 15 days - right? I know the feeling! My vacation is half gone. Great 6WS!
Hey, Teacher! Leave them kids alone!
Having school right up the end of July? Tough going.
Enjoy the break when it comes.
I remember those days well. my kids always got a kick out of seeing mum do homework - but on the upside it was a positive example for them as well.
Hope you have a relaxing break :-)
Enjoy! I'm just getting ready to start a couple of classes again. It's been just over six months since I finished my grad courses and I'm itching to get back into something new. Thanks for playing 6WS and hang in there. Three more weeks!!!
Enjoy! I'm just getting ready to start a couple of classes again. It's been just over six months since I finished my grad courses and I'm itching to get back into something new. Thanks for playing 6WS and hang in there. Three more weeks!!!
3 weeks - 15 days - right? I know the feeling! My vacation is half gone. Great 6WS!
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