A dead cockroach on my leg.
Sometimes the siblings of the children I work with have worse behaviors than their autistic siblings. Mid-meeting older brother is crawling around underneath the table. Older brother is three by the way. I knew he was near my feet but was trying not to pay attention to him. I heard him say "I'll put it right here!" and set something on my leg. I figured it was a toy or something. Nope. I looked down and there is a giant, dead cockroach on my leg. I'm not really afraid of bugs so I didn't scream. I was pretty grossed out though. I wanted to brush it off my leg and on to the floor, but older brother was still sitting there and it probably would have landed right on him no doubt inducing the kind of trauma that causes people to grow up to be serial killers. So I just sat there, horrified until his mom got a tissue and removed it. Gotta love in home therapy!
This resonates strongly with me, who also works with people (adults) on the autism spectrum & makes regular home visits to make sure supports and services are adequate. One never knows, crossing the threshold, exactly what to expect.
Oh wow! (Found your blog from Six Word Saturday!)
Oh my -- you handled it very well, and professionally I might add. Dunno if I could have been that calm??? But I gotta admit it's kinda funny too -- heh!
I thought maybe you had one tattooed on your leg. I have to quit watching all those INK shows! LOL! Great 6WS!
All I could think when I read this was at least it wasn't a live cockroach.
Well handled
A few evenings ago, I sat down next to my husband on the sofa and leaned my head on his shoulder. After a few minutes, I got up to go do something. Not 30 seconds later, he jumps up and yells, flinging SOMETHING off that same shoulder.
Yeah, a live cockroach. No, he says, it wasn't there when I was on the sofa. It landed there after I left.
Cockroaches, dead or alive, are not my favorite critters. You showed much more restraint than I would've.
Thanks for playing 6WS!
A few evenings ago, I sat down next to my husband on the sofa and leaned my head on his shoulder. After a few minutes, I got up to go do something. Not 30 seconds later, he jumps up and yells, flinging SOMETHING off that same shoulder.
Yeah, a live cockroach. No, he says, it wasn't there when I was on the sofa. It landed there after I left.
Cockroaches, dead or alive, are not my favorite critters. You showed much more restraint than I would've.
Thanks for playing 6WS!
This resonates strongly with me, who also works with people (adults) on the autism spectrum & makes regular home visits to make sure supports and services are adequate. One never knows, crossing the threshold, exactly what to expect.
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