Thursday, November 01, 2007


I know it's silly, but I'm just so irritated and upset. See I've been losing weight recently. 29 pounds to be exact and it's been hard, but not so hard that I've given up as I usually do. The week before last I lost 3 pounds. This week, I haven't lost a thing. Granted I haven't been as good as I should have, but I don't feel as though I made really bad choices. Still, I'm upset. It probably has a lot to do with what's been going on and stress and all, but it just would have helped keep me up if I had lost a pound even. What a bummer. I even stayed out of the Halloween candy!! Now I want to stuff a muffin in my face. I guess the only thing I can do is shake my fist and resolve to do better this coming week and try to add some additional excercise to help me over this plateau I seem to have hit.


Mischa said...

Sometimes you plateau for a week or so... that's totally normal! I had the same frustrations when I was losing weight. I found that if I just stuck with it I usually starting losing again after a week or so. Cutting something out that's high in calories but not a necessary part of your diet helps, too!

Sonja Foust said...

Don't give in, girl! 26 pounds is AWESOME. (Came by way of NaBloPoMo.)

Mischa said...

Sometimes you plateau for a week or so... that's totally normal! I had the same frustrations when I was losing weight. I found that if I just stuck with it I usually starting losing again after a week or so. Cutting something out that's high in calories but not a necessary part of your diet helps, too!


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